
About Me
Creating A Safer Work Environment

After I started becoming more and more interested in manufacturing, I realized that there was a real problem with the safety of a few big factories in the area. In addition to not using some of the most top-of-the-line safety features, the factories also had a pretty unimpressive track record as far as safety went, which is why I started thinking more seriously about becoming a manufacturing safety enthusiast. I started a few campaigns to strengthen things, and some of them actually made a palpable difference. This blog is all about creating a safer work environment for your employees and friends.


3 Reasons To Feature Basmati Rice On Your Menu

18 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Creating a captivating menu is critical when it comes to the success of your restaurant. Many of the dishes served in eating establishments across the country feature rice as a prominent ingredient. There are many different types of rice available for your chefs to choose from, but basmati rice could be the best option. Here are three reasons why you should feature basmati rice on your restaurant's menu in the future. Read More …