Barry Richardson

About Me
Creating A Safer Work Environment

After I started becoming more and more interested in manufacturing, I realized that there was a real problem with the safety of a few big factories in the area. In addition to not using some of the most top-of-the-line safety features, the factories also had a pretty unimpressive track record as far as safety went, which is why I started thinking more seriously about becoming a manufacturing safety enthusiast. I started a few campaigns to strengthen things, and some of them actually made a palpable difference. This blog is all about creating a safer work environment for your employees and friends.


How To Be Prepared For A Home Heating Oil Delivery

24 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

For many folks, heating oil services are critical to getting through the colder months. How you handle the process of home heating oil delivery is just as important as placing an order, though. You can prepare to take deliveries by following these six steps. Track Levels Knowing your levels will make it easier for you to order the right amount of heating oil. You want to know how much you can order without the heating oil delivery overtopping the tank. Read More …

Need A D.O.T. Code Vacuum Truck? Tips For Buying A Used Model

29 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're in the market for a D.O.T. code vacuum truck, take your time with the selection process. This is especially important if you plan to buy a used vacuum truck. Used vacuum trucks can save you a lot of money. But, you need to make sure you buy the right one. If you've never bought a used D.O.T. code vacuum truck before, you might not know what to look for. Read More …

Important Things To Pay Attention To When Purchasing A Used Lift Truck

7 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Lift trucks are useful, as you might already know. Your business might not have one, but you could be thinking about buying one. You might even already have a lift truck but could be thinking about replacing it or adding another lift truck or two to your fleet. If you're thinking about buying a used lift truck in particular, these are some of the things you should pay attention to. Read More …

Keys to Renting Out Road Barricades for Temporary Work Projects

20 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you're working around a road site and need to keep people from getting near it, one of the best resources to use is a road barricade. You can rent these solutions out for temporary work projects. Just make sure you take these precautions when doing so. Make Sure They're Easy to See You want to make sure people who drive near these barricades see them from a distance so that they have plenty of time to reroute their course. Read More …

How To Get Many Years Out Of PCD Cutting Tools

28 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A lot of fabricators like using PCD tools for cutting because they're abrasion-resistant and can cut in refined ways. If you have some of these tools and want them working great for many years, then be sure to do the following things. Place PCD Cutters on a Soft Mat When Not in Use  When you're not using PCD cutters and you don't feel like placing them in storage just yet, it's a good idea to just place them on a soft mat. Read More …